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PayPoint congratulates retailers as customer satisfaction for bill payment service remains at a very high level

Net Promoter Score©1 reaches +702

Welwyn Garden City, 8 July 2014: New research released today reveals that PayPoint’s bill payment service has maintained its track record for excellent customer satisfaction.  The vast majority (88%) of customers who had used a PayPoint terminal for bill payment at the store were ‘very satisfied’ with the service, taking total satisfaction (those very or fairly satisfied) to 95%.

Over 1,000 customers who had made use of PayPoint services in the previous seven days (i.e. recent customers) were interviewed face-to-face outside shop with a PayPoint terminal. The research was conducted by Ipsos MORI on behalf of PayPoint.

Among these customers who use a PayPoint terminal to top up their pre-payment energy meter, over three-quarters (77%) make use of a PayPoint terminal at least once a week. Among those surveyed who used PayPoint to pay bills or make budget payments, a slightly lower proportion (71%) makes use of PayPoint at least once a week.

This is good news for retailers, as results from separate research carried out by Him! shows that two in three PayPoint users also buy other goods and have a higher average basket spend, amounting to 71% more than the average basket spend in the convenience sector over a week.

PayPoint retailers are also benefiting from the increased popularity of PayPoint among customers paying cash bills or make meter prepayments for their gas and/or electricity. 84% of customers are making electricity payments at PayPoint and 79% making gas payments, compared with 79% and 71% in the previous year. The proportion making payments for housing and council tax at PayPoint increased even more significantly – by nearly two-thirds from 26% to 41%.

Over 26,700 local convenience stores, newsagents, supermarkets and petrol forecourts across the UK now have PayPoint terminals. The Ipsos MORI research reveals that all aspects of PayPoint’s services monitored were rated highly, in particular the convenience of the local outlet (98% rated this as either ‘very’ or ‘fairly good’), the opening hours (97%), being quick and easy to use (97%), being free to use (97%), customer service being polite and efficient (97%), and being safe and secure (97%).

Other highlights from the survey include:

  • 69 per cent of those surveyed use PayPoint at least once a week
  • 73 per cent of those surveyed pay more than one different type of bill or payment at PayPoint (not necessarily at the same time)
  • 91 per cent of those surveyed who use a PayPoint service at least once a week agree that it is a brand they trust3
  • 93 per cent like to be able to shop and pay their bills at the same time

Net Promoter Score

Ipsos MORI also asked customers whether they would recommend PayPoint to their friends and family. By subtracting those who wouldn’t recommend PayPoint from those who would, the result is known as a net promoter score (NPS). PayPoint’s NPS in 2013 was an impressive +70.

Net Promoter Score
PayPoint +70
Highest advocacy levels amongst financial services providers and convenience store brands*:
Building Society +25
Convenience store brand - highest +21.5
Insurance provider +15
Savings provider +7
Bank +6
Pensions provider -11

* All customers of each company (weighted to be nationally representative of GB population)

Andrew Goddard, PayPoint’s Retail Director, said: “The latest Ipsos MORI customer satisfaction survey once again shows very high levels of satisfaction among PayPoint’s customers, a tremendous achievement for a company that has grown so much both in terms of the places where it is available and the breadth of the payment and other schemes available through the stores. A high proportion of those surveyed continue to appreciate the convenience of PayPoint outlets and the wide range of different payments that can be made.

“These excellent results are testament to our retailers who work so hard to promote the benefits of PayPoint within their stores. We would like to thank them for their hard work and look forward to a positive and rewarding year ahead. We are constantly striving to maintain and improve the high standards we set ourselves, introducing innovative new products to our extensive range as well as new services and processes to help retailers improve their bottom line.”



Peter Brooker
Head of Corporate Affairs, PayPoint
01707 600356 / 07900 418960
[email protected]

Karla Winch / Cathy Donald, Brands2Life
020 7592 1200 / 07940 422 931 / 07793 287 749
[email protected]

Technical Notes

On behalf of PayPoint, Ipsos MORI interviewed 1,010 adults 16 years and over who had used a PayPoint service in the store in the past seven days (i.e. recent customers).  Interviews were carried out face-to-face outside 97 outlets randomly selected from a database of all outlets with PayPoint technology across Great Britain. 

1. Net Promoter Score is a trademark of Satmetrix Systems, Inc., F . Reichheld, and Bain & Company.

2. Those surveyed are asked how likely they would be to recommend PayPoint to family or friends using a scale from 0 to 10 where a score of 0 indicates ‘Would definitely not recommend’ and a score of 10 indicates ‘Definitely would recommend’. Net Promoter Score is then calculated by taking the sum of all respondents who answered with a score from 0 to 6 and subtracting this from the sum of respondents who answered with a score of 9 or 10. This is then expressed as a proportion of the total number interviewed. Of the 1,010 respondents interviewed, 756 gave a score of 9 or 10, while 50 gave a score of between 0 and 6.

3. Customers are asked to use a scale from 1 to 10, where a score of 1 indicates ‘Strongly disagree’ and a score of 10 indicates ‘Strongly agree’, and to indicate the extent to which they agree with the statement “PayPoint is a brand you trust”. Total agreement is then determined by looking at the proportion of customers who indicated a score of between 8 and 10 in relation to this statement.

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