Offer the biggest brands in bill payments and join the market leading network in the UK with over 28,000 stores, bigger than all banks, Post Offices and supermarkets put together.
50% of PayPoint service users will purchase additional items when visiting. By offering PayPoint services in store, you could be adding extra sales to your annual revenue.

Why choose PayPoint?
Market leader - Network of over 28,000 stores – bigger than all banks, Post Offices and supermarkets put together
Biggest brands - Largest portfolio of service providers, from utilities to local authorities, EE to TV Licence
Here to help you - Freephone contact centre available to support you 365 days a year
Support and POS - Range of training, retailers deals and free POS available to all retailers
Earn commission - Get paid for every transaction you process
Manage your account - Free online access to your commission statements