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2014 achieves PCI Level 1 status for ninth consecutive year

London, 2 July 2013:, the UK’s biggest independent payment service provider, has announced that  PCI specialist and Qualified Security Assessor, Nettitude, has confirmed PayPoint’s PCI Level One compliance status to the PCI Standards Council after the required on-site audits and security testing were finalised last month. Compliance ensures that’s online payment platform continues to remain secured to global standards.

The Payment Card Industry Data Security Standards (PCI DSS) is a comprehensive set of global standards that applies to all businesses that process, store and transmit sensitive cardholder information. The mandated standards were developed to ensure a secure environment is maintained by businesses in the management of card data storage.

Dan Salmons, Managing Director, E&M Commerce, PayPoint, commented: “PCI Compliance is not for the faint-hearted these days.   With the standards being updated regularly in accordance with new security measures, it is a complex, challenging and resource intensive task, even for the most experienced organisations.    So it’s not surprising that many of our clients have reduced their PCI scope by outsourcing card security management to   

“As a partner in their PCI strategy, we can safeguard our clients from future changes to the rules, and they also benefit from our platform’s additional capabilities, such as our tokenisation functionality.”

Ben Densham, Head of Compliance at Nettitude, added:  “For organisations to comply with this standard, they must meet a list of security criteria, including the necessary levels of encryption, network security and access to data and firewalls. I am pleased to confirm that, following a successful audit and rigorous security testing from the team at Nettitude, has demonstrated its servers and network architecture continue to meet the highest possible security standard.”

As a further pledge to data security, was also one of the first suppliers to register its Third Party Agent Status on the Visa Merchant Agent list, an approved list of all merchant agents that provide services involving the storage and management of cardholder data.



Siobhan Brennan
Marketing communications Manager
+44 (0)20 3058 2120
[email protected]

About is the UK’s biggest independent payment service provider linking into 16 major acquiring banks in the UK, Europe and North America to deliver secure online credit and debit card payments for over 5,500 merchants.

With 15 years’ experience in online payments, offers a comprehensive set of products ranging from a bureau service to a transaction gateway, and FraudGuard, an advanced service to mitigate the risk of fraud.

Trusted by many of the largest brands in ecommerce, specialises in helping businesses overcome payment and operational challenges through dedicated next-generation processing solutions, and real-time, flexible reporting. is part of PayPoint plc, the leading retail payments network delivering payments and services through a uniquely strong combination of local shops, internet and mobile distribution channels. The PayPoint Group handles over £14 billion from almost 740 million transactions annually.

About Nettitude

Nettitude is an award winning provider of Cyber Security, Compliance, Infrastructure and Incident Response services to organisations across the world. With every engagement we aim to provide tailored and pragmatic consultancy services that are designed to meet the client's unique challenges. Established in 2003, Nettitude has headquarters in the UK and North America. We are proud to be one of a handful of companies worldwide to hold prestigious accreditations in Information Security Testing and the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS).

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